Monday, January 7, 2008

Plz Pray 4 Me 2night!

Hey everybody! Just really quickly, I'm going to an audition tonight for the next show I plan to be in. I'm kinda nervous because I haven't been preparing very much. We're doing Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and there's a part that I would really like. My auditions in the past have been known to not go so hot : / and I'd really at least like a call back so if you could pray that everything will go well, No! Wait! That everything will go according to God's plan for me tonight. I never know what's going to happen in the future and what goes on tonight will affect me in the long run. (I hope you get what I'm saying) So, if you happen to read this and say a quick prayer, I'd be so thankful!


Katie and Elizabeth said...

I'll pray!


Katie and Elizabeth said...

Hey Livie,
That's really cool that you started a blog!

I'll pray for you tonight!

What was the part that you wanted to get?


Livie said...

I want to get the part of Veruca (The spoiled rotten girl). Thanx for the prayers!

SocialButterfly said...

I will pray too Livie!

Social Butterfly

Livie said...

Thank you greatly!