Monday, February 23, 2009

Hmmmm...a lot has happened since my last post but I don't have the time or the determination to sit for a really long time and write about it so this'll be a short post. I did get cast in Mulan. I got the part of a Chinese Worker (they perform in the song Honor To Us All). Not a huge surprise. I also had the performances for the smaller show that I was Stage Manager for....those went well. Actually, I'd say very well! : ) Tech week was hard but everything went really smoothly during the shows. I was especially thrilled when I got to see the program and I was listed not as stage manager but as Assistant Director and Backstage Manager! I also got to be on headset backstage which is totally awesome! I thought it would be hard and I'd mess something up but it was really easy. We did a drama at the church where I go to Youth Group yesterday. It was really great! Everything went well and we had like 3 people taping it so I should get a copy soon. The funny thing is that we did the same drama that my B.F.F.N.M.W. was in at her church about a year ago! We didn't play the same part (she was the lead and I played the representation of Fashion) but it was a cool coincedence! ; )
