Saturday, July 4, 2009

Because I'm too lazy...

...I'll just post some pictures of my brothers this time. Here they are in age order:




I know that the focas is weird, but it's actually the look that I was going for. He and Isaac were playing baseball with our cousin.



Sunday, June 7, 2009

Kodak Moment! Oh, wait...

So the other day, my family all went out for the afternoon. When we got back, Walker greeted us warmly as always and I pulled out my camera to get a shot of this cute moment. It wasn't until a few minutes later that I realized that something might be amis here. My suspicions were confirmed...

...when I magnified it. Ugh. Scroll down if you still can't tell what's going on here.

Yes, at the exact moment that I snapped this shot, Philip's lips came in contact with Walker's tongue. Many people would think that this is sooooo gross but I still think that it's rather cute. Philip wasn't phased by it either and that's all that really matters. What do you think of this "Kodak Moment" gone wrong?


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Surprise

So, for those of you actually read my last post, (which is a lot! Thanks for all the sweet comments everybody!) I said that I had a surprise. on!

I have to start with this. My hair is dark in this because this was after our first attempt to darken my hair for Mulan. This is about 2-3 weeks ago.

As of last Thursday...

Keep going...

I got my hair cut! I really like it! I'd been wanting to get my hair cut for about a month and a half but my mom said that I couldn't until Mulan was over since I had to put my hair up for that. Tell me what you think!


P.S. In reply to Social Butterfly's comment to my last post: My family went to Mackinac over Memorial Day and we also go in September. We don't stay in Mackinac though. We stay at my grandparent's house about and hour and a half south of Mackinac so we usually just go up and spend the day there.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Vacation Pictures!!!!

Here are some pictures of our vacation from over Memorial Day!!!

Molly-in the car and ready to go! This was her first vacation with us.

Me and Philip about 45 minutes into the trip.

(sorry about the flash reflectiong off of his glasses...)

Aidan with the first ice-cream of the vacation.
Our fave ice-cream shop turned out to be just as good as
before so we're definitally going to keep going there!
(If you don't understand this, read my post below)

Christopher with his "Super-scoop"
(known as Superman in every other ice-cream shop in the country...that's another story...)

Walker, excited for a walk in the woods. Man, I love this dog!!!

Aidan at a museum that we stopped at on the way to Mackinac

Nathanael skipping stones in the lake next to the Mackinac Bridge

Christopher on the beach in Mackinac

Philip playing on the rocks infront of the Mackinac Bridge

Aidan, moments before tearing his shoes off and wading in Lake Huron

Philip again. You can see Mackinac Island behind him

The Mighty Mac

Aidan took this picture of me on our way home from Mackinac. We didn't end up getting any of Mackinac's famous fudge but we did go to a state park where they had a sky bridge and a zip line! Soooooooooooooooo FUN!!!!!

Philip goofing off with bubble gum on our way back home. This picture was taken about 2.376 seconds before that bubble became a sticky mess all over his face... ; )
So, that's our vacation in a nutshell. We had a lot of fun! Let me know what you think!
P.S. I also have a surprise but I'll get to that later...stay tooned!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


If you can't tell from the title of this post, our family is on vacation!!! We're staying in a cottage that my grandparents own about 3 hours north of where we live. We came up yesterday and are planning on staying until Tuesday. My parents don't want to try to leave on Memorial Day with all the traffic! I was going to post about it before we left but there was no time with all the packing that had to get done. I also have some photos on our computer at home that I want to post. I'm posting this from my brother's laptop right now. We've had a lot of fun so far. (even though we haven't done much!) We drove for about 3 1/2 hours yesterday and got here at about 11:00 pm. We stopped at Wal-mart to get things for breakfast before we arrived at the cottage. By the time we were unpacked in the house, it was about 12:30 so my little brothers went straight to bed. (no, they didn't sleep in the car, no one in our family has ever slept easily in a car) I got to bed around 2 am...and then woke up at 9. Actually, 7, but I got back to sleep eventually. I had a really hard time sleeping last night too. Not because we were away from home or anything 'cause I don't usually have problems with that. The real reason is because I had to sleep on a cot. There aren't enough beds in the cottage for us all to sleep in a bed so we have two fold out cots. Now, I usually sleep in one of these and I love it-they're very comfortable but it was broken when we set it up this time so it was really uncomfortable!!!! I slept for the first few hours on the couch and then I moved back to the cot until my brother woke me up at 7. Grrrrrrr!!! Morning people....... Well, that was the most excitment that we've had so far. All we did today was drop my brothers off at a park while my mom and I went shopping for the rest of our food for the weekend. We also picked up some clothes for me. then we came home and here I sit, writting about it all for you! We're going to have chicken breast salad for dinner and then we're hopefully going to get ice cream from our favorite ice cream shop! I can't wait for that! The only thing is that when we passed it earlier, we saw on their sign that they were under new ownership so who knows, we might end up with a new favorite this year. :p That's all for now! I'll try to post again before we get home but, who knows? ; )


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Transported to Ancient China

Welcome to TECH WEEK!!! (If you aren't exactly sure what that means, click HERE) Mulan tech week has been going pretty well so far. I just wanted to update you on some of my physical changes for this show, starting with make-up.

Preliminary make-up design. This will be finished off with bright blue eye shadow and thick black eyeliner. This is, pretty obviously, for my chinese bride number.

Let's just say "Before"

This is "After". If you can't tell, I dyed my hair. This is not photographic fakery! Apparently, light blond didn't fit with Ancient China... Don't worry, it's only temporary. It should come out in 6-8 shampoo's. I might try to make it darker before we open on Friday but that's not been confirmed yet. : p The fierce red eyeshadow?...well that's just an extra.

(it's actually my Mushu's chorus make-up)

What do you think? Should I keep it? I like the color but I don't think I like it that much!!! Let me know!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Finally! A picture!

Here is picture of Molly. She really looks like a chocolate lab but we really think that she's part terrier as well. She has a lot of energy and she has the tempermant of a fiesty terrier. When we walk into the house she gets so excited! We've almost got her completely trained on the invisible fence. She really is very smart, we realized that almost immediately. She picks up commands and tricks very, very quickly! (I'm really close to having her be able to balance a treat on her nose) I'm still warming up to her but I can't help but admit that she is our dog now. She's not just a dog that we adopted....she's ours. And that makes all the difference in the world!
