Sunday, March 29, 2009

So Much To Say...

...and no words to say it with. I don't know. I just don't know. The only thing that I know is that God is God and that He loves me, even though I just don't know. He knows things about me that I couldn't even guess and He still loves! I know that I'm probably not making any sense whatsoever, but somehow, I'm okay with that. That's where the title of this post comes in. Have you ever felt like there was something really important or insightful that you had to say, but the words just weren't there? That's how I feel right now. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I'm depressed or sad or anything. I just feel like I'm weary. But, I know that weariness can't last forever so I'm not stressing. I'm just clinging to the fact that God loves me, even though I still don't know. There is peace.

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