Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Please pray

I'm really nervous right now because I found out on Monday that I'm going in for a Ballet exam this Saturday. I'm being tested on the material in Checetti Grade 1. It takes most people about 3 years to get through this grade....yeah.....I'm going in after 6 months... I've barely memorised the combonations, now I have to not only do them, but I have to worry about theory and such! not only that, my exam is at 9:00 am (I have to be at the examiner's dance studio-an hour drive away-by 8:30) which means I have to be awake at 7:00 on a Saturday! No one should have to be up that early on a Saturday! Especially not going to a test where they have to stay on their toes and always thinking about what they're doing! One good thing is that there's another girl who's been preparing for her exam for a while who's going with me so I won't be alone/the only one from our studio. That makes me a little more comfortable. My teacher says that I'm doing great and she's not worried at all, but I have no idea what to expect. I won't get my score for a week after the exam so that'll be the worst! Please pray that I don't spaz at the exam and fail or something!


P.S. Tomorrow is my first Mulan rehearsal! I'm really excited about that!!!!


Lilly said...

Yikes! That's always a scary thing. I'm praying, dear! I know that you can do it. You're a lovely dancer.

Anonymous said...

So, how did it go??

Livie said...

I actually don't know yet. I'll get my score either later this week or early next week. I think the exam went okay and my teachers aren't worried so I'm pretty sure I passed. I just have to wait for my score to make sure!
