Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Choir, Cookies, and a Crazy Election!

I won't be able to write for very long because one of my brothers needs to use the computer to do his school (yes, unlike most, we have school today even though my dad is off work). I also have to leave for choir in about an hour and a half. This is basically what choir is: we have several pieces of music that we work on for an hour, then there's advanced ensemble which is another 45 minutes on 1 of 3 more advanced pieces. I personally enjoy A E (advanced ensemble) better, but by that point I've been there for an hour and I'm starting to get a bit bored so it really depends on my mood for how much I enjoy it.

Later, I'm going up to my church (it's a voting precinct) to sell cookies to benefit our drama program. We're hoping to end up using the proceeds to fund an overnight trip somewhere as a bonding experience (we were thinking Frankenmuth but if you have another suggestion, please comment!). Basically, since our church is a precinct, there will be a lot of people there today. My mom and I have the 5 pm-8 pm shift so ours is probably going to be the busiest since that's when the people who had to work today will come and vote. So, not only are we selling the cookies, but we have to make them simultaneously, although, we have pre-made cookie dough so it'll be a lot easier than if we had to mix up the dough too!!!

Then, of course, it's election day so it'll be nice and loud in our house tonight as we're all trying to do the assignment that my dad gave us. We each have a map of the U.S. with the states and the amount of electoral votes per state filled into them. Our job: when a state's votes have been counted, we have to shade that state either red or blue (depending on republican or demicrat) on our maps. Then we have to keep track of how many electoral votes the candidates have. It probably won't be too hard...it wasn't very difficult when I was 10 either. Well, I'll probably update later tonight after the votes begin to be counted to let everyone know what's going on (of course, you'll probably know what's going on because you'll be watching the TV and not reading my blog, but, oh well...)

Have a blessed election day and know that, whatever happens, God is in control!

"I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after killing the body,has the power to throw you in hell. Yes, I tell you to fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered. Do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." ~Luke 12:4-7


Katie said...

I have a friend that does your choir.

kalahari water park is fun. you might want to try there.

I hope McCain wins!


Lilly said...

Bravo, Livie. I'm really thankful for your post and the fact that you stated that God IS in control no matter what happens. Much love, dear.


Hannah said...

Yes, God is in control, I completely agree!
