Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Busy Weekend

It's Sunday and I'm really tired right now because I had some late nights the past few days. On Friday, my parents went to a viewing for my dad's aunt (my great aunt) who died last week. It wasn't that hard on me because I'd only met her like 3 times in my entire life but it's hard knowing that she was my 2nd cousin's grandma and my grandpa's younger sister! Well, my parents came home and my mom and I stayed up watching a style make-over show that we love until the wee hours of the morning (I have no clue what possessed us to that insanity!). On Saturday, my parents went to the real funeral and I stayed home with the kids because my older brother and one of the younger ones went to a friend's house for a sleep-over. Then another brother had to go to soccer practice, and a friend of mine came over. She and her brother stayed the night and we rented Charlotte's Web to watch. I bought a great big box of Nerds (good to eat, but not before bed, as we found). Yum! Then we got to sleep at about 1 am and woke up at 9 am for church. We tried to make fry bread (an Indian dish I made for school) for breakfast but they came out burned and we didn't have time to make more, so we just slapped some cinnamon sugar on top and ate them as they were. Then we went to church and I played some basketball on our hoop (My older brother put it up again, yay!). Following which, I went to rehearsal. Wow, that's a longer post than I've written in a while! That'll give you something to do while I'm formulating my next entry!



Unknown said...

Hi! My name's Kait. I found your Blog through Nicole's. I hope to red more!


Livie said...

Hi, Kait! I'll try to visit your blog!
