Friday, January 30, 2009


These are some of the photos that I took with my camera (that can now hold 1000+ photos! Yay!). Tell me what you think. I can't decide which of these two photos (the ones above and below) I like better.Comment on this post or vote on the poll on the sidebar to tell me which you prefer.

My Puppy! Isn't he adorable????

(I know he's not technically a puppy anymore, but, hey,
he'll always be the true baby of the family!)

Excitement before his favorite time of the day-his walk!

I think that this one looks cool with just the rose colored
but you can't see my tiara very well.

I like this one a lot too. This is my mom's favorite.

Oh, it's so girly, isn't it?
These are some motion shots taken with the self-timer feature on my camera. They're both basic ballet moves but they look really cool mid-flight!

Hope you enjoyed them! More to come!

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