Saturday, August 23, 2008

Vacation...and then some

Hey! I just got back on Thursday from our family's annual 'long' vacation. Usually it's two weeks long and at the beginning of September but Isaac starts his dual-enrollment college classes then (grrr....JK). So, for those of you who might have been worried that I didn't answer e-mails for the past week....I didn't fall off the edge of the world! (lol) It was a fun trip but, even though I really wanted to want to be there, I was missing home. I wasn't homesick per say, I just have some stuff going on that I wanted to monitor (Kmart commercial for one). My brother and dad had their small devices but the only problem was that they needed WiFi to get the internet. Since we only ended up going to one place that had WiFi, well, let's just say that some people had all their things to do and one person left the building only having done one very limited activity on a certain electronic device.... I didn't mind that much....My dad also had his laptop from work but, for some reason, the phones weren't working at our vacation house. No dial tone=No internet. But the most crazy thing was that I survived! 5 1/2 whole days without a computer and I actually made it out alive! (lol) are some of the things that I did: Went to church (we got there on a Saturday), went shopping with my mom while the boys went swimming (she needed a dress for that wedding where Aidan's the ring bearer. That was actually today...), went mini golfing, went to Mackinac Island (Oh yeah! The first time in three years!), Ate fudge (!!!!!), and played Trivial Pursiut (2:00 am and I are best friends. It's a good thing that I'm a night owl!). Then we spent a day cleaning the house before we left. On our way home, we stopped at Frankenmuth for a chicken dinner (As we found, this is not to be advised with a large family unless you're ready to take out a mortgage on everything that you own...At least the food was good! lol) And now we're home!

As I mentioned above, Aidan's wedding debut was today. Last night he and my mom went out to Marine city for the rehearsal dinner, they stayed there for the night and Aidan was in the wedding party today. My mom said that he was really cute and that he did a really good job. Pictures available on request. (Unfortunately, they didn't have a digital camera so you'd have to see the photos in person, I can't post them here)

Finally, a request. Most of you have probably seen the video that Nicki and I made (The Kmart commercial). This Tuesday, they're announcing the finalists, so if you want to see if we made it/vote, go to Thank you all!


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